
Inspiration comes and goes – sometimes abruptly, like a knock on the door from an unexpected guest, and sometimes slowly as a tree, adding new growth each season, becoming larger and more stable over years. The latter is how David J. Weiner’s new body of work has emerged, culminating in the naming of his latest musical project - Tretrunc.

You haven’t heard of him, although he’s been here the whole time, writing and playing music in a diverse range of projects, including electro metal, americana, nerdcore hip-hop, punk, electronica, even scoring videogames and commercials. After years spent bouncing between musical genres, Tretrunc represents the maturing of an artist who has found his comfortable perch, but is still stretching his skills, and writing from a place more personal than ever. The result is an introspective, keyboard-forward, lush psychedelic sound that leaves the listener with a sense of tranquil, hopeful longing, and a bit of melancholy. 

Tretrunc’s debut single, “Last Summer” is now available on all digital platforms June 18th, 2024, with a followup single to be released in early August. 

Slowcore / Bedroom Pop